Luca Pignata (accordion), Martina Parola (flute), Patricio Arias (double bass)
Traditional tango, Tango Nuevo
Music by Astor Piazzolla, Anibal Troilo, Carlos Gardel, Egberto Gismonti, Luis Bacalov et.a.
07/07/2024, OUDENAARDE (BEL)
Walburgakerk Oudenaarde, 10u30 (aansluitend mis met muziek om 11u), Sint-Walburgastraat, 9700 Oudenaarde
Met Ellen Van den brande (cello), Gert Amerlinck (orgel) en Luca Pignata (accordeon)
Astor Piazzolla – Le Grand Tango, voor cello en accordeon
Sofia Gubaidulina – In Croce (cello, acc)
Léon Boëllmann – Suite Gotique (I, II) (acc, org)
Arvo Pärt – Pari intervallo (cello, acc, org)
Franz Schubert – Ständchen
Bach/Vivaldi – Uit het concerto n.2 in la klein, 1ste deel, Allegro
Ingang: gratis
14/06/2024, GENT (BEL)
privé concert
Luca Pignata (accordion), Martina Parola (flute), Patricio Arias (double bass)
Traditional tango, Tango Nuevo
Astor Piazzolla – Revirado, Soledad, Zita
Ramirez – Alfonsina y el mar
Gardel – El dia que me quieras
El choclo
La cumparsita
26/04/2024, GENT (BEL)
Viaggiare con la musica Musiche di Piazzolla, Scarlatti, Gismonti, Nazareth, Gardel. Il fisarmonicista italiano Luca Pignata vi accompagnerà in questo viaggio musicale tra Europa e Sudamerica, tra Barocco e Novecento, con importanti storie di viaggi ed emigrazione.
(presentazione in Italiano)
Musiche di Ernesto Nazareth, Domenico Scarlatti, Egberto Gismonti, Carlos Gardel, Ariel Ramirez, John Dowland
Music by Bach, Scarlatti, Piazzolla, Gismonti et. al.
JS Bach – Preludium en fuga BWV 857 in f minor JS Bach – Preludium en fuga BWV 848 in c# major Carlos Gardel – El dia que me quieras, arr. Rodolfo Mederos Johann Pachelbel – Chaconne in f minor Astor Piazzolla – Vuelvo al sur, arr. James Crabb Domenico Scarlatti – Sonata K87 Ernesto Nazareth – Odeon JS Bach – Preludium en fuga BWV 535 in g minor Egberto Gismonti – Agua y vino, arr. Claudio Jacomucci Egberto Gismonti – Loro, arr. Claudio Jacomucci JS Bach – Corale Erbarm dich mein, o Herre Gott BWV 721
Musical intermezzo’s with Amalia Avilán (soprano).
Music by Manuel Ponce, De Falla, Fauré, Reynaldo Hahn, Bizet, Händel, Vivaldi, Tosti, Padilla Solo accordion: Mozart, Scarlatti, Purcell, Piazzolla, Gardel, French Musette’s
Musical intermezzo’s with Amalia Avilán (soprano).
Music by Manuel Ponce, De Falla, Fauré, Reynaldo Hahn, Bizet, Händel, Vivaldi, Tosti, Padilla Solo accordion: Mozart, Scarlatti, Purcell, Piazzolla, Gardel, French Musette’s
We all spy on the neighbours from time to time. When we do so, do we see the truth – or is that ‘truth’ coloured by our own perspectives? Should we ever intervene? Are we complicit in what we see? A cry in the night, a vanished neighbour: will shared fear draw us out of our isolation?For her first opera Private View, composer Annelies Van Parys chose to take as her starting point Alfred Hitchcock’s thriller “Rear Window”, about a murder in a block of flats. Her collaboration with the librettist Jen Hadfield, scenarist Gaea Schoeters and director Tom Creed led to the creation of a pioneering opera that won several awards. Having premiered six years ago at Opera Ballet Vlaanderen, this Thriller opera is revisited in a new production of Muziektheater Transparant, SPECTRA and the young artists of the International Opera Academy.
◉ CAST: STUDENTEN INTERNATIONAL OPERA ACADEMY Goth boy: Mikhail Silantev Goth girl: Laura Orueta Retrochick: Sawako Kayaki Lonelyhearts: William Branston Green 1: Kadi Jürgens Green 2: Callie Gaston Student 1: Sandrine Mairesse Student 2: Victoria Perez-Santisteban Student 3: Keith Pun Neighbour: Jinyoung Kim Radio Voice: Sunghwan Park Speaking Voice Narrator: Sofia Marafona Handyman: Yanqiao Shi Repetiteurs: Anastasia Silanteva, José Alberto Sancho
◉ ENSEMBLE: SPECTRA Koen Maas, saxophone Simon Haspeslagh, horn Pieter Vandermeiren, trombone Bjorn Denys, percussion Jeroen Robbrecht, viola Peter Devos, cello Tom Devaere, double bass Luca Pignata, accordion Tom Pauwels, electric guitar Anastasia Silanteva, music box & prepared piano Filip Rathé, conductor
Production: Muziektheater Transparant & IOA (International Opera Academy). Coproduction: SPECTRA. With thanks to LOD muziektheater and Opera Ballet Vlaanderen. A composition assignment of Muziektheater Transparant and Opera Ballet Vlaanderen. Music published / licensed by (c) Deuss Music / Albersen Verhuur B.V., ‘s-Gravenhage
5/03/21, Antwerp (BEL), De Singel
Iets meer dan 25 jaar geleden maken Alain Platel, drijfveer van les ballets C de la B, en Dick van der Harst, medeoprichter van LOD muziektheater, de legendarische voorstelling ‘La Tristeza Complice’. Samen grasduinen ze in het werk van Henry Purcell (1659-1695) en selecteren ze op een ‘brutale’ manier enkel wat hen direct behaagt, opvalt en aanspreekt als popmuziek voor een muziektheatervoorstelling.
Speciaal voor deSingel OnLive en Podium19 kan je het muzikale luik van deze legendarische voorstelling, die op zo goed als alle continenten te zien was, (her)ontdekken. Van der Harst selecteert gretig uit Purcells vocale en instrumentale oeuvre, dat hij arrangeert en waaraan hij vreemde lementen en weerbarstige ritmes toevoegt. Een onvergetelijke cocktail van Purcells barokmuziek, door een tienkoppig accordeonorkest (bestaande uit muzikanten uit de oorspronkelijke bezetting en studenten) onder leiding van Gwen Cresens en sopraan Lieselot De Wilde.
Listen online on soundofghent between 18 and 20 februari 2021
We all spy on the neighbours from time to time. When we do so, do we see the truth – or is that ‘truth’ coloured by our own perspectives? Should we ever intervene? Are we complicit in what we see? A cry in the night, a vanished neighbour: will shared fear draw us out of our isolation?For her first opera Private View, composer Annelies Van Parys chose to take as her starting point Alfred Hitchcock’s thriller “Rear Window”, about a murder in a block of flats. Her collaboration with the librettist Jen Hadfield, scenarist Gaea Schoeters and director Tom Creed led to the creation of a pioneering opera that won several awards. Having premiered six years ago at Opera Ballet Vlaanderen, this Thriller opera is revisited in a new production of Muziektheater Transparant, SPECTRA and the young artists of the International Opera Academy.
◉ CAST: STUDENTEN INTERNATIONAL OPERA ACADEMY Goth boy: Mikhail Silantev Goth girl: Laura Orueta Retrochick: Sawako Kayaki Lonelyhearts: William Branston Green 1: Kadi Jürgens Green 2: Callie Gaston Student 1: Sandrine Mairesse Student 2: Victoria Perez-Santisteban Student 3: Keith Pun Neighbour: Jinyoung Kim Radio Voice: Sunghwan Park Speaking Voice Narrator: Sofia Marafona Handyman: Yanqiao Shi Repetiteurs: Anastasia Silanteva, José Alberto Sancho
◉ ENSEMBLE: SPECTRA Koen Maas, saxophone Simon Haspeslagh, horn Pieter Vandermeiren, trombone Bjorn Denys, percussion Jeroen Robbrecht, viola Peter Devos, cello Tom Devaere, double bass Luca Pignata, accordion Tom Pauwels, electric guitar Anastasia Silanteva, music box & prepared piano Filip Rathé, conductor
Production: Muziektheater Transparant & IOA (International Opera Academy). Coproduction: SPECTRA. With thanks to LOD muziektheater and Opera Ballet Vlaanderen. A composition assignment of Muziektheater Transparant and Opera Ballet Vlaanderen. Music published / licensed by (c) Deuss Music / Albersen Verhuur B.V., ‘s-Gravenhage
Grazie mille a Valentina Lo Surdo di Primo Movimento per le belle parole. Dal minuto 15’00 la presentazione del mio disco ‘Baroque Accordion’. Primo movimento è una interessante rubrica del palinsesto di Rai Radio 3, che mette in evidenza le più significative novità discografiche.
On 12 september Luca Pignata was guest of the national Belgian Radio Klara, presenting his debut album ‘Baroque Accordion‘ to presentator Olav Grondelaers.
Luca Pignata at the Belgian Radio Klara, in Music Matters with presentator Olav Grondelaers 12.09.2019Luca Pignata at the Belgian Radio Klara, in Music Matters with presenter Olav Grondelaers 12.09.2019