Apero double concert

06/02/2022, TIELT (BEL), 11h CC Gildhof, Sint-Michielstraat 9, 8700 Tielt Apero con fuoco, concert with Iben Naessens (guitar) and José Ligero (flamenco singer). “Apero con Fuoco: Accordeon en Gitaar in de schijnwerpers“ Music by Piazzolla, Gardel, Bach, Pachelbel Tickets Read more →

La Tristeza Complice

5/03/21, Antwerp (BEL), De Singel Iets meer dan 25 jaar geleden maken Alain Platel, drijfveer van les ballets C de la B, en Dick van der Harst, medeoprichter van LOD muziektheater, de legendarische voorstelling ‘La Tristeza Complice’. Samen grasduinen ze in het werk van Henry Purcell (1659-1695) en selecteren ze op een ‘brutale’ manier enkel wat hen direct behaagt, opvalt en aanspreekt als… Read more →

Rai Radio 3 – Presentation CD ‘Baroque Accordion’

On 14 november 9h30 there will be a short presentation of my album ‘Baroque Accordion‘ during ‘Primo Movimento‘. You can listen to the podcast here. Grazie mille a Valentina Lo Surdo di Primo Movimento per le belle parole. Dal minuto 15’00 la presentazione del mio disco ‘Baroque Accordion’.Primo movimento è una interessante rubrica del palinsesto di Rai Radio 3, che… Read more →

Duo concert with Paul De Clerck (viola)

22/02/2020, MEIGEM-DEINZE (OV) (BEL) Atelier D’Apostrof, Pastoriestraat 59, 9800 Meigem info@dapostrof.be – 0494.534.566 Duo concert with Paul De Clerck (viola) and Luca Pignata. Franz Schubert (1797-1828) – “Der Leiermann” (Winterreise, D.911) J. S. Bach – Sonata for viola da gamba and harpsichord in G major (BWV 1027) Toshio Hosokawa (*1955, JAP) – “In die Tiefe der Zeit” for viola and accordion… Read more →

Duo concert with Paul De Clerck (viola)

09/02/2020, ZOTTEGEM (BEL) 11u00, Ridderzaal Zottegem (tickets) Duo concert with Paul De Clerck (viola) and Luca Pignata. Franz Schubert (1797-1828) – “Der Leiermann” (Winterreise, D.911) J. S. Bach – Sonata voor viola da gamba en klavecimbel in sol groot (BWV 1027) Astor Piazzolla (1921-1992, ARG) – “Le Grand Tango” (voor cello en piano, ‘dedicated to Mstislav Rostropovich’) Franz Schubert (1797-1828) –… Read more →

Collective concert

15/06/2019, AVELGEM (WV) (BEL) 19u Conservatorium Avelgem, contact organisator Davidsfonds Concert with the accordion students of Conservatorium Kortrijk (Joke Arco, Britt Verdonck, Frieda Claus, Laurens De Praetere, Kurt Vanneste).  Programma for accordion sextet: Astor Piazzolla – Zita Yann Tiersen – J’y Suis Jamais Alle ABBA – Medley Read more →

Performance with Paul De Clerck (viola)

6/04/2019, KASTEEL VAN GAASBEEK  (BEL) 17u00, opening of festival Feast of Fools – Bruegel herontdekt, Kasteel van Gaasbeek. Performance with Paul De Clerck (viola), Luca Pignata, Lore Maegerman (viola) and artist Kurt Ryslavy. Music of J. S. Bach, F. Schubert, C. Monteverdi, traditional music and improvisation on the artworks of Austrian artist Kurt Ryslavy. Read more →

Duo concert with Paul De Clerck (viola)

31/01/2019, OOSTERZELE (WV) (BEL) 20u00, Theater Leen Persijn (Terstraeten 11, 9860 Oosterzele) (info en tickets: theater.leenpersijn@telenet.be – 09 360 39 25). Duo concert with Paul De Clerck (viola) and Luca Pignata. J. S. Bach – Sonata for viola da gamba and harpsichord in G major (BWV 1027) Toshio Hosokawa (*1955, JAP) – “In die Tiefe der Zeit” for viola and accordion… Read more →

Solo/Duo Multiple choice

28/01/2018, OOSTERZELE (WV) (BEL) Ridderzaalconcert. 11u00, GC De Kluize Oosterzele (info en tickets: www.gcdekluize.be). Works for accordion solo and duo from Baroque to Contemporary music, with Luca Pignata and Barbara Ardenois.   Claudio Jacomucci (1975, ITA): Wonderlands (2004), solo (Luca Pignata) E.Grieg (1843-1907, NOR): Holberg Suite op.40 (Gavotte, Rigaudon) Maurice Ravel (1875-1937, FRA): Pavane pour une infante défunte (1899)  Linde Timmermans (1989, BEL):… Read more →

La vita è bella. Concerto di fisarmonica classica in memoria della Shoah

26/01/2018, AMSTERDAM (NED) Italiaanse Cultuurinstituut Amsterdam 20h30, Nieuwe Uilenburgerstraat 116 – 1011 LX Amsterdam | 020 – 845 33 45 Classical contemporary accordion concert with the “Italian accordion academy“: “La vita è bella. Concerto di fisarmonica classica in memoria della Shoah”. Works by Ligeti, Barber, Gershwin, Kurtag, Steve Reich, Messiaen, trad. Klezmer Read more →

Solo/Duo Multiple Choice

16/12/2017, DE PANNE (WV) (BEL) Concert in the church of De Panne (Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk, Zeelaan 129), 20u Works for accordion solo and duo from Baroque to Contemporary music, with Luca Pignata and Barbara Ardenois. W. A. Mozart – Ave VerumE. Grieg – Holberg Suite op.40 (Gavotte, Rigaudon)A. Vivaldi – Mottetto Nulla in mondo Pax SinceraM. Pagliarani – Apparizione di Franz Schubert fra le ondeM. Mussorsky… Read more →