23/03/2025, MELLE-GENT (BEL) Luca Pignata (accordion), Martina Parola (flute), Patricio Arias (double bass) Traditional tango, Tango Nuevo Music by Astor Piazzolla, Anibal Troilo, Carlos Gardel, Egberto Gismonti, Luis Bacalov et.a. VZW Warm Water – KultuurThuis Henri https://warmwater.be/ Brusselsesteenweg 329, 9090 Melle Reserveren viamarc@warmwater.be0478503649https://www.warmwater.be Read more →
trio Tango Revirado-Ooidonck
01/09/2024, Kasteel van Ooidonck DEINZE (BEL) privé concert Luca Pignata (accordion), Martina Parola (flute), Patricio Arias (double bass) Traditional tango, Tango Nuevo Music by Astor Piazzolla, Anibal Troilo, Carlos Gardel, Egberto Gismonti, Luis Bacalov et.a. Read more →
Kerkconcert Oudenaarde|accordeon-cello-orgel
07/07/2024, OUDENAARDE (BEL) Walburgakerk Oudenaarde, 10u30 (aansluitend mis met muziek om 11u), Sint-Walburgastraat, 9700 Oudenaarde Met Ellen Van den brande (cello), Gert Amerlinck (orgel) en Luca Pignata (accordeon) Voorprogramma: Astor Piazzolla – Le Grand Tango, voor cello en accordeon Sofia Gubaidulina – In Croce (cello, acc) Mis: Léon Boëllmann – Suite Gotique (I, II) (acc, org) Arvo Pärt – Pari… Read more →
trio Tango Revirado
14/06/2024, GENT (BEL) privé concert Luca Pignata (accordion), Martina Parola (flute), Patricio Arias (double bass) Traditional tango, Tango Nuevo Astor Piazzolla – Revirado, Soledad, Zita Ramirez – Alfonsina y el mar Gardel – El dia que me quieras El choclo La cumparsita Read more →
Il Caffè – Gent | solo accordion Viaggiare con la musica (Scarlatti – Nazareth – Gismonti)
26/04/2024, GENT (BEL) Viaggiare con la musicaMusiche di Piazzolla, Scarlatti, Gismonti, Nazareth, Gardel. Il fisarmonicista italiano Luca Pignata vi accompagnerà in questo viaggio musicale tra Europa e Sudamerica, tra Barocco e Novecento, con importanti storie di viaggi ed emigrazione. (presentazione in Italiano) Musiche di Ernesto Nazareth, Domenico Scarlatti, Egberto Gismonti, Carlos Gardel, Ariel Ramirez, John Dowland Il Caffè centro culturale https://www.ilcaffe.be/… Read more →
Kunstacademie Waregem|solo-duo
27/03/2024, KUNSTACADEMIE WAREGEM (BEL) 19h Astor Piazzolla – Le Grand Tango, voor cello en accordeon (Ellen Van den Brande, Luca Pignata). Solo accordeon: Egberto Gismonti – Agua y vinho, Ernesto Nazareth – Odeon Gratis, reserveren via Eventbrite Read more →
Warm Water – Melle | solo accordion recital
4/02/2024, MELLE (BEL) Music by Ernesto Nazareth, Domenico Scarlatti, Egberto Gismonti, Carlos Gardel, Ariel Ramirez, John Dowland VZW Warm Water – KultuurThuis Henri https://warmwater.be/ Brusselsesteenweg 329, 9090 Melle ———- Solo accordeon, muziek van Domenico Scarlatti (ITA), Ernesto Nazareth, Egberto Gismonti (BRA), Astor Piazzolla, Carlos Gardel, Ariel Ramirez (ARG). De luisteraar wordt begeleid op een ontdekkingsreis van de concertaccordeon door klassieke… Read more →
Solo concert/Toccante
5/02/2023, STEENBRUGGE (BEL) 15u, Sint-Philippuskerk, voormalige Sint-Pietersabdij Steenbrugge, Baron Ruzettelaan 433 Assebroek Music by Bach, Scarlatti, Piazzolla, Gismonti et. al. JS Bach – Preludium en fuga BWV 857 in f minorJS Bach – Preludium en fuga BWV 848 in c# majorCarlos Gardel – El dia que me quieras, arr. Rodolfo MederosJohann Pachelbel – Chaconne in f minorAstor Piazzolla – Vuelvo… Read more →
Autour de Frida Kahlo
20/11/2022, 11h Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel – Waterloo (BEL) With Amalia Avilán (soprano) and Luciano Massa (guitar). More info, reservation Read more →
É-KLINK-TIQUE Waregem|solo
28/10/2022, WAREGEM (BEL) 19h, Dekenale Kerk, Waregem, free entrance Alexina Louie, ‘Earth Cycles’ for accordion and pre-recorded tape (1987) Kunstcertweek Kunstacademie Waregem Teaser Read more →
Las Bradilongas|Braderie Lille
02-03/09/2022, LILLE (FRA) Live accompaniment of tango dancers in the streets of the Lille during the big Braderie. Las bradilongas Read more →
De zomer van Mozart – Musical intermezzo’s with Amalia Avilán – soprano
16/07/2022, BRASSCHAAT (BEL), 18h Gemeentepark Brasschaat, 2930 Brasschaat Musical intermezzo’s with Amalia Avilán (soprano). Music by Manuel Ponce, De Falla, Fauré, Reynaldo Hahn, Bizet, Händel, Vivaldi, Tosti, PadillaSolo accordion: Mozart, Scarlatti, Purcell, Piazzolla, Gardel, French Musette’s Tickets Read more →
De zomer van Mozart – Musical intermezzo’s with Amalia Avilán – soprano
10/07/2022, WESTENDE (BEL), 19h, 22h ‘Rotonde’, Zeedijk 300 8434 Westende-Bad Musical intermezzo’s with Amalia Avilán (soprano). Music by Manuel Ponce, De Falla, Fauré, Reynaldo Hahn, Bizet, Händel, Vivaldi, Tosti, PadillaSolo accordion: Mozart, Scarlatti, Purcell, Piazzolla, Gardel, French Musette’s Tickets Read more →
Conservatorium Brussel NS4NA | presentations national & international project
25/02/2022, BRUSSEL (BEL), 14h30 Musical intermezzo, music by Gardel, Piazzolla, Olczak, Scarlatti https://www.kcb.be/en/calendar/boo-ns4na-presentations-national-international-project-physical-digital?fbclid=IwAR1ozTy2KQOvyby3A2n60_P8AQj-J5jxH1LWlFsCjem7pVvp8_cyILXVza8 Read more →
Apero double concert
06/02/2022, TIELT (BEL), 11h CC Gildhof, Sint-Michielstraat 9, 8700 Tielt Apero con fuoco, concert with Iben Naessens (guitar) and José Ligero (flamenco singer). “Apero con Fuoco: Accordeon en Gitaar in de schijnwerpers“ Music by Piazzolla, Gardel, Bach, Pachelbel Tickets Read more →

Opera ‘Private View’ by Annelies Van Parys /cancelled
4/06/21, Antwerpen (BEL), Theater ‘t Eilandje More info about tickets soon We all spy on the neighbours from time to time. When we do so, do we see the truth – or is that ‘truth’ coloured by our own perspectives? Should we ever intervene? Are we complicit in what we see? A cry in the night, a vanished neighbour: will… Read more →

La Tristeza Complice
5/03/21, Antwerp (BEL), De Singel Iets meer dan 25 jaar geleden maken Alain Platel, drijfveer van les ballets C de la B, en Dick van der Harst, medeoprichter van LOD muziektheater, de legendarische voorstelling ‘La Tristeza Complice’. Samen grasduinen ze in het werk van Henry Purcell (1659-1695) en selecteren ze op een ‘brutale’ manier enkel wat hen direct behaagt, opvalt en aanspreekt als… Read more →

Opera ‘Private View’ by Annelies Van Parys
18-20/02/2021, LOD Gent Listen online on soundofghent between 18 and 20 februari 2021 We all spy on the neighbours from time to time. When we do so, do we see the truth – or is that ‘truth’ coloured by our own perspectives? Should we ever intervene? Are we complicit in what we see? A cry in the night, a vanished… Read more →
Rai Radio 3 – Presentation CD ‘Baroque Accordion’
On 14 november 9h30 there will be a short presentation of my album ‘Baroque Accordion‘ during ‘Primo Movimento‘. You can listen to the podcast here. Grazie mille a Valentina Lo Surdo di Primo Movimento per le belle parole. Dal minuto 15’00 la presentazione del mio disco ‘Baroque Accordion’.Primo movimento è una interessante rubrica del palinsesto di Rai Radio 3, che… Read more →
Radio Klara – Interview
On 12 september Luca Pignata was guest of the national Belgian Radio Klara, presenting his debut album ‘Baroque Accordion‘ to presentator Olav Grondelaers. You can find the interview on the website of Radio Klara Read more →